Senin, 08 November 2010

White Wine and It's Benefit

Compared with red Wine, white Wine is less popular. The chemical composition of white Wine is beneficial for the body is not as good as red Wine. In white Wines there are no resveratrol and quersetin which is characteristic of grapes.

The process of making white Wine is not made with grape skins, whereas in fact the most polyphenols exist in grape skin. Amino acid content of histamine and tannins in white Wines were also lower than red Wine.

However, white Wine is not alcohol drinks without any benefits. Some studies even show a white Wine is much better for health than red Wine. A study conducted by Prof. Dr. J. Keul and Dr. D. König of the University of Freiburg showed that consumption of white Wine can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol, fibrinogen, and blood sugar.

Weight loss can be reduced up to 1.7 pounds if you eat white Wine for 4 weeks. According to Drs. Jung et al of the University of Mainz, white Wine more effectively lower blood pressure compared with red Wine. Based on research at the University of Buffalo, white Wine is very useful to prevent lung cancer, more effective than red Wine.

Although the antioxidant content of white Wine a little more than red Wine, the effectiveness of antioxidants in white Wine also proved better than red Wine. A study of The Jordan Heart Research Foundation showed only red Wine can reduce free radicals in the body up to 15 percent, while white Wine by 34 percent.

According to Drs. Troup from Monash University, Australia, antioxidant molecules in white Wine is less than red wine, so it is more easily absorbed by the body. That's what causes even though the antioxidant content of white Wine a little more, its effectiveness is better than red Wine.

Although Wine has amazing benefits, consumption should not be excessive. Besides causing dependence, alcohol content in Wine can also cause liver disorders and high blood pressure. Wine excessive consumption can also cause migraines. (Gaya Hidup Sehat - Kompas)

See also :
Dim Sum
Sour Sally

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