Selasa, 30 November 2010

Wine Putih Halal

AMSTERDAM (Berita SuaraMedia) – Taner Tabak (35) telah berusaha memperoleh sertifikat Wine putih halal selama dua tahun, dan kini ia telah berhasil. "Kevserhelalwine" miliknya lolos tes dan mendapat sertifikat halal dari Kontrol Kualitas Halal (Halal Quality Control – HQC).

Pencarian Tabak akan anggur dengan kadar alkohol 0% dilakukan atas permintaan kaum Muslim. Pada pertemuan setiap hari Jumat, mereka tidak dapat minum bersama kolega dan teman-teman dan sebuah "Wine halal" dapat menjadi solusi bagi persoalan itu.

Tabak mempelajari proses pembuatan Wine bebas alkohol. Melalui sebuah proses teknis baru, yang membuatnya mendapatkan hak paten, Tabak, bekerjasama dengan sebuah perusahaan Jerman, berhasil membuat Wine bebas alkohol. Tabak mengatakan memang telah ada minuman Wine yang dikatakan bebas alkohol, namun mereka tidak lolos tes halal HQC karena masih mengandung sedikit alkohol.

HQC memiliki banyak syarat sebelum mereka memberikan sebuah sertifikat pada suatu produk. Sebuah permintaan tambahan untuk memperoleh sertifikat contohnya adalah peraturan higienis. Mereka mengerjakannya di bawah konsultasi dengan HQC. Tabak mengatakan, "Wine halal tidak dibuat begitu saja!"

Kelompok sasaran Tabak bukan hanya kaum Muslim, melainkan lebih luas lagi. "Yang juga menjadi sasaran saya adalah para wanita hamil, mereka yang terkena diabetes, mereka yang harus menyetir setelah menghadiri sebuah pesta dan karena itu tidak bisa minum alkohol dan sebagainya."

Di antara koleksi Tabak adalah Wine merah, putih, dan mawar, juga Wine yang berat. Ia yakin akan kelezatan rasa Wine nya dan baru-baru ini menantang seorang ahli Wine Nicolaas Klei untuk datang dan mencicipi anggurnya.

Nama kevser merujuk pada sebuah surat di Al Quran, jelas Tabak. Surat itu berbicara tentang Wine halal.

Tabak tidak khawatir akan penjualan Wine - nya. Negara-negara seperti Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Dubai, dan bahkan Arab Saudi telah menunjukkan ketertarikannya, ujar Tabak dengan antusias.

Tabak menjual Kevserhelalwine melalui perusahaan miliknya, Talay Wine Company, dengan harga rata-rata 6-7 euro (Rp. 90.000 – 100.000).

"Kami telah mengubah yang haram menjadi halal. Wine yang berasa seperti Wine tapi benar-benar bebas alkohol, dan kami memproduksinya," ujar Tabak.

Wine halal buatan Tabak bukan satu-satunya minuman beralkohol yang tidak mengandung alkohol. Tahun lalu, di Perancis diproduksi Chamalal, sampanye halal. Seperti sampanye pada umumnya, minuman ini juga terbuat dari Wine dan bergelembung, namun bebas alkohol.

Diluncurkan pada bulan September, tepat menjelang bulan suci Ramadhan tahun 2008, Chamala terbukti berhasil diterima di negara asal sampanye itu. Tidak ada satu acara pun yang akan lengkap tanpa kehadirannya.
Versi halal gelembung sampanye ini dijual dengan harga sekitar 60 euro (Rp. 900.000) per botol di beberapa restoran, namun jauh lebih murah jika membelinya di supermarket.

Penemu Chamalal, Rachid Gacem, mengatakan bahwa ia melihat adanya celah dalam pasar minuman beralkohol.

"Ketika saya datang ke pesta dan semua orang meminum alkohol, seperti sampanye, mereka seringkali menanyakan apakah saya mau minum satu gelas. Tapi kami (Muslim) tidak minum alkohol. Karena saya ingin menjadi bagian dari pesta, saya ingin meminum sesuatu yang seperti sampanye, tapi bukan sampanye."
Menanggapi minuman tersebut, tak semua Muslim lantas setuju. Beberapa di antara pemeluk Islam mempertanyakan bahkan meragukan kandungan isi Cham'alal. Seperti komentar-komentar di situs berita online yang menulis tentang peluncuran Cham'alal, yang salah satunya berbunyi, "Apakah itu benar-benar minuman Wine berkarbonasi?". (rin/iie/itn/fw/rpk/at) Dikutip oleh

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Burger King Hot!

Burger King Japan is bringing global warming home this summer... home for dinner! Hot on the heels of the wildly successful Angry Whopper, the fast food giant is set to roll out a burger that makes the AW seem as cute as Hello Kitty. It's called the "Crazy Whopper", and anyone crazy enough to try it can do so starting on Friday, July 23rd of 2010.

What's so crazy about the Crazy Whopper? The peppers are the point. The Angry Whopper gets its heat from green Jalapeno chili peppers, which rate about 5,000 on the Scoville scale. That sounds pretty high but so's the scale: pure Capsaicin scores 15 to 16 million.

Habanero peppers rate up to 500,000 and topping the list for cultivated peppers is India's Bhut Jolokia, the dreaded Ghost Chili. The Guinness World Records folks certified Bhut Jolokia as the world's hottest pepper in 2007, rating some cultivars at a searing 1,000,000 Scoville units! Now that's hot... fries with that?

No one assumes Burger King Japan will be layering slices of Ghost Chili peppers onto their whoppers come July 23rd. Instead, it's likely that some unspecified amount of Bhut Jolokia extract will be infused into a sauce that, while certainly peppery, won't be sending patrons into convulsions or causing them to spontaneously combust.

All BK-J will say for the time being is that the Crazy Whopper will be 30 times spicier than the Angry Whopper. Get your 570 yen (about $6.35) ready and bring LOTS of water. (via Japan Today, and Chokoball Cafe)

Sumber : Steve

Lihat juga:
Dim Sum

Rujak Ice cream Yogya

Di kota kelahiran saya, Yogyakarta, makanan yang satu ini gampang ditemukan, Rujak Ice cream. Racikan menu khas kota gudeg ini sebenarnya sederhana. Sepiring rujak berisi berbagai macam buah seperti mangga, bengkoang, pepaya, dan mentimun. Lalu, di atasnya di taruh Ice cream. Jangan dibayangkan ice cream - nya selembut es krim Walls atau Campina. Ice cream di atas rujak ini sekelas es puter. Tapi, rasanya mantap. Enak dan segar.

Manis gula jawa dan pedas dari bumbu rujak, bercampur dengan manis dari rasa susu ice cream, ditambah rasa asam dari mangga muda dan buah-buahan lainnya. Benar-benar merupakan paduan yang unik. Apalagi dinikmati saat cuaca panas. Hmm..bikin ketagihan!

Di Yogyakarta, Rujak ice cream ini biasa dijajakan dengan gerobak dorong dan mudah ditemui ditempat-tempat yang dekat dengan komplek sekolah, perkantoran atau perumahan.

Di antara sekian banyak penjaja rujak ini, ada satu penjual yang menjadi langganan saya. Letaknya di Pogung Baru Jalan Kaliurang km 4. Kalau dari arah selatan (dari arah bundaran UGM ), gang terakhir sebelum pompa bensin Jalan Kaliurang Km.4, masuk sekitar 500 meter.

Meski hanya warung sederhana, namun cukup nyaman. Sebab, disediakan gubuk bambu yang teduh dengan meja-meja pendek. Rujaknya juga baru dibikin setelah ada pesanan.

Di samping itu, pembeli bisa menentukan sendiri kadar kepedasannya. Mau cabai satu, tiga, sepuluh, bebas saja. Harganya juga murah kok. Cukup dengan Rp 2.500 per porsi, sepiring rujak es krim siap dinikmati.

Warung ini terbilang laris. Pada jam-jam tertentu, seperti jam makan siang atau jam 16.00 WIB,pembeli juga harus rela mengantri. Saya yakin rujak ice cream bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif pilihan makanan yang dicoba (Mmm...sayangnya tidak bisa dijadikan oleh-oleh!)

Sumber : Marcella Chandra Wijayanti - Kompas

Lihat juga:
Sour Sally

Senin, 29 November 2010

Ayo Makan di Abuba

Hampir dua tahun saya tidak mencicipi Steak favorit ini. Akhirnya minggu lalu, saya pun berangkat untuk kembali mencicipi menu favorit satu ini, rasanya waow...... tetap tidak berubah meski saya sudah menjadi pelanggan tetapnya selama 13 tahun....! Rasanya tetap aduhai..... apalagi dengan campuran sayuran dan kentang gorengnya. Jangan tanya deh.... saya bisa egois makan sendiri !. hmmmhhh........

Seperti biasa saya memesan menu favorit Sirloin Steak, sementara suami saya memesan Tenderloin Steak.

Seingat saya terakhir kali makan di Abuba itu sudah sangat lama sekali, sekitar setahun lalu, jadi ketika makanan datang, kami langsung menyantapnya, dan rasa steak-nya masih sama seperti yg dulu, bahkan lebih enak menurut saya. Mak Nyuss sekali rasanya, seperti kata Bondan Winarno.

Daging yang dimasak sudah sangat matang dan dihidangkan dengan pembakaran yang sempurna. Berhubung pelanggan setia, nggak usah minta dibakar seperti apa. Rasanya yah...... memang sangat empuk sekali. Kuah dan bumbu yang disiramkan di atas Steak juga sangat pas di lidah. Dengan sayuran dan kentang yang lumayan banyak, untuk saya Abuba Steak memang tetap cihuy....!!

Satu kelebihan Abuba steak adalah tersedianya berbagai macam saos dan sambal botolan, yang memungkinkan anda untuk meracik sendiri menu saos yang pas untuk steak anda. Jangan lupa ada juga mustard, kecap asin dan kecap manis, lengkap deh semua.

Harganya lumayan nggak mahal lah untuk ukuran steak. Mulai dari Rp. 40.000 hingga Rp. 80.000 untuk daging Amerika, sedang untuk daging lokal hanya sekitar 20 ribu an, harga yang sebanding dengan rasa dan sajian dari sebuah steak.

Yang pasti, di lidah saya sekarang sudah terbayang kembali bumbu dan steak yang saya makan kemarin. Waduh..... Steak Abuba memang selalu membuat kita nagih untuk selalu datang kesana. Mak Nyuss tenan memang !

Abuba Steak
Jl. Cipete Raya no. 6 Cipete
Jakarta Selatan

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Lihat juga:
Dim Sum

Delicacies of Yakitori

Sate is one of the most popular food in Indonesia. Many areas in this archipelago have sate menu. Therefore you know the sate padang, sate madura, banjo sate, sate betawi, maranggi sate, sate Blora, sate ponorogo, and so forth. Types of meat also varied, from chicken to turtles, from clams to torpedo. The dish can you get with ease, from street stalls to fancy restaurants.

But have you ever heard of the sate of Japan? Japanese sate also called yakitori, sate is not much different in Indonesia. How to cook it as well by burning, with a wide range of meat, no different than the typical Indonesian satay.

Although many have similarities, the differences between typical Indonesian satay and yakitori are also quite striking. Food in Japan are generally treated with a healthy manner and materials. It is also applied in the manufacture of yakitori. If the usual sate skewers we know is that many contain soy sauce and oil, yakitori not contain a lot of oil and prefer the use of salt.

The basic ingredients are chicken yakitori own, according to the meaning of the word tori which means chicken. All parts of chicken, such as thighs, skin, liver, etc., can be used for yakitori. In Japan, the chicken sate was then burned on the wood charcoal. This determines the quality of wood charcoal taste satenya. Hardwood charcoal and aromatic produce a more delicious satay, rather than a cheaper wood charcoal, or a grilled over a gas stove and electric grill. Some sellers use free-range chicken yakitori (jidori), which is more tough than regular chicken, but rather have a taste.

In their home country, yakitori popular among middle-class office workers as a snack after work on the way to the train station. Yakitori are sold at the yakitori-ya, (restaurant or food stalls on the roadside). Often times other than dyed with barbeque sauce (before baking), chicken meat was also doused with cold beer. Wow ... like what, ya feel? They end the meal with a swig of sake.

Source: Eka.D -

See also:
Burger King

Ice cream with Soy

Who does not like Ice cream? In addition to the sweet taste and cold, ice cream can also generate a better mood so loh. If ice cream is usually made from cow's milk, well this time ice cream made from soy? Like what ya like?

No one ever refused if offered with a bowl of ice cream, cold drinks made from cow's milk with a variant of this feeling a lot penggenarnya both young and old. But what happens if the ice cream is made from soy? Hmm .. first I hesitated whether ice cream flavor it would be equal to flavor ice cream is made from cow's milk.

After trying it turns out it's quite nice loh! Cow's milk is a main ingredient was replaced with soy milk. The manufacturing process remains the same only the main ingredients are different. But according to the manager, there are few limitations. Ice cream from soy milk can only be made into a sense of just three variants, namely vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.

Sense of others are still in the search process. The texture of ice cream - his own gentle enough not much different from ice cream in general, but for me ice cream from soy milk is similar to ice puter. And if the feeling really smell and taste of soybean is still quite pronounced.

But it did not disappoint. Ice cream or lots of soy milk that have called out this ice cream can be encountered in the Public Know located in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. In addition, soy ice cream is suitable for those who are allergic to cow's milk, especially children, also for those who have fat diet. Can still eat ice cream, but still healthy. (Eka / Odi)

Source: Eka Septia - detikFood

See also:
Sour Sally

Delicacies of Duck Soto

Bored with chicken Soto, does not hurt to try other new menu. Perhaps the duck soup could be a new menu which is obliged to eat.
If not, and curious, just come to the Center Culinary Indrapura Indrapura Street, Surabaya. Of the dozens of stands that are there, just go to Soto-managed Dewey Duck and Sufriyah Muafi couples.

Duck soup is served separately in 3 containers. A bowl of soup, a plate of rice cake and a mortar containing lime and chili slices. From appearances, it briefly looked like a duck soup with curry gravy orange turbid, in contrast with most of the soup broth yellow nodes.
Once eaten, Hmmmmm ... feeling fishy and tough from duck meat would disappear instantly. The meat was tender and there was absolutely no fishy taste. Seasonings rempahnya really fresh burst in

Spicy flavor of chili sliced very fine and so delicious, evenly offset the delicious broth soup. Rice cake on a plate would be demolished in an instant. Following tradition, it is recommended rice cake soup eaten with duck, of course, in addition to rice which is also provided. A serving of duck soup valued USD 10 thousand. If you want to add offal, also added money to Rp 7,500.

Muafi bit shared secret recipe duck soup. In general, the same as duck soup seasoning soup in general. The difference is kaldunya. The broth itself is a recipe handed down from grandmother of the wife's family, Sufriyah. The recipe had died 15 years before revived by Sufriyah. Previously, in Bangkalan, Madura, Sufriyah grandmother had open stalls duck soup.

Since no one is to continue the business plus grandmother who had advanced age, the shop is closed. Seeing no business opportunity, direct Muafi rented a booth in the center of Culinary Indrapura.
Together with his wife, father of 3 children were trying to revive the duck soup. According to a survey conducted Muafi, there is no duck soup in Surabaya, East Java and even. Even if there is, recipes and ingredients will be different.

"This was a recipe from my wife's grandmother. Now I go again," he said while talking to, Monday (10/25/2010). (IWD / wln)

Source: Imam Wahyudiyanta - detikSurabaya

See also:
Dim Sum

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Two Kinds of Wine

Wine has two main types, namely red wine (red wine) and white wine (white wine). Both types of wine come from the type of grape used. The color of wine is not like the color of grape juice that looks more clear. The quality of drinks wine color is also determined a few other things.

Determine the color of wine fermentation. Although red wine from red grapes, red wine obtained from a process called soaking (maceration). Red wine from red grapes or black grapes. Hundreds of types of grapes to produce wines of different kinds of beverages as well.

Types of grapes so affect the taste of wine produced. White wine can be fermented from grapes type of color, from dark-colored wine until pink.

One of the most famous type of wine is cabaret sauvignon. Wine Cabaret sauvignon comes from the region of Bordeaux, France that produces red wine. Red wine is also another famous wine is Merlot.

There are several types of wine with the taste of chocolate and cherry. Grenache Wine become the kind of red wine that other famous Burgundy region of France. Grenache has the basic ingredients raspberries, mint and black cherry. Another famous type of wine is a Zinfandel that is made in Europe but most of the crops grown in California, Anerika States.

Type the famous white wine is Chardonnay. Wine contains a mixture of vanilla and a little fruit. California produces kinds of white wine Chenin Blancs. Chenin Blancs are a cheaper alternative than Chardonnay. Chenin Blancs contains apples and other spices. Other types of white wine is Pinot Gris. Pinot Gris from Oregon and the rich aroma of spices. White wine Riesling from Germany has the aroma of fruit.

White Zinfandel wine, a type of wine with a sweet taste of California. White Zinfandel Zinfandel red wines are processed from the peeled skin.

Source: Lopez Petti, you Nurlaila -

See also:
Dim Sum

Sate Jamur Dieng Khas Wonosobo

Sate Jamur Dieng - Para pemudik yang masih memanfaatkan suasana libur Lebaran bisa datang ke Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah. Di salah satu sudut jalan di kota ini terdapat rumah makan yang menjual sate jamur Dieng. Masakan buatan Tina Mustikowati itu disukai pengunjung karena kelezatannya. Tak heran, almarhum mantan Presiden Soeharto menjadikannya sebagai makanan favorit.

Sate jamur Dieng khas Wonosobo sudah ada sejak 27 tahun silam. Sate ini menjadi andalan para pejabat bila mereka mengadakan kunjungan kerja ke Wonosobo. Menurut Tina selaku pemilik, rasa satenya memang unik. Harga yang ditawarkan pun terjangkau, Rp 2.500 per sunduk atau Rp 10 ribu per porsinya.

Dalam sebuah kesempatan, Tina bercerita kalau ide membuat rumah makan jamur ini berasal dari suaminya. Kala itu dirinya sempat menolak karena tidak percaya kalau jamur bisa dijadikan sate. Namun pada 1982, Tina mencoba resep sate jamur yang tak kalah dengan rasa ayam. Siapa mengira, sate jamur di rumah makan yang buka pukul 09.00 hingga 22.00 WIB ini kini laku keras.(OMI/LUC)

Sumber : Yon Daryono -

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Ice cream with Many Types Ice cream

You might imagine a store that sells Ice cream to the type of feeling in the world are in Italy or in the United States, but it turns out there are in Merida, a city in Venezuela. His name, Coromoto store.
Neon lights outside that reads "Guinness Book of Records" pink become one of the unique features of the store, but once opened the door it became clear that other stores from the other.

Inside there is a refrigerator containing ice cream looks bright and tempting to eat. Flavor ice cream are sold as chili, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms in wine, garlic and cream of crab.
Coromoto founded in 1980 by an immigrant from Portugal, Manuel da Silva Oliveira. The owner does not often appear and now the store is managed by Jose Ramirez.

Jose was clearly visible as manager of an ice cream shop. Men's 40-year-old friendly when found wearing a white shirt and purple, and black mustache. "Oliveira tired of working for a large ice cream company," said Jose, "and decided he could make an interesting ice cream flavor."
The first experiment is the avocado. "To get a sense of right requires hard work, because avocados are very rich in flavor," said Jose. "Oliveira dispose of about 50 kg of ice cream to experiment to get the perfect taste."
Coromoto sold about 60 taste every day, but change the taste of ice cream in accordance with the seasons. In addition to the standard ice cream taste like chocolate and rum and raisins, lots of exotic fruit flavors such as guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit kind.

Some other flavors included in the 860 types of ice cream flavor is: eggs, macaroni and cheese and sardines, are examples of the weird ice cream flavor. And also there are many strange flavor names such as British Airways, Andean Kisses and I'm Sorry, Darling. One of the sense that, given the name Viagra Hope, like a bright blue Viagra pill.
I have to ask what the ingredients, and natural ingredients to make ice cream: the honey and all natural: honey and pollen. "Different people like different things," said store manager.

"Personally I like the taste of fruit but many buyers who choose the flavor that contains alcohol such as Cointreau, cognac or vodka-and-pineapple. Of course, as people are added venezuela lot of rum."

Ice cream flesh
"Sense of ice cream what is special for the store?" asked me to Jose. With a laugh, Jose said "pabellon criollo" - Venezuela's traditional food made from meat, rice, bananas, cheese and black beans, which imitated by Coromoto to flavor ice cream.
Jose fetch an ice cream scoop of each flavor-and it's really like ice cream meat sold in Coromoto.

Source: Krisman -

See also:
Sour Sally

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Wine and Cancer

Wine - Cancer patients who will undergo radiation therapy may need to take a sip of wine (Wine) before doing the treatment. Because, according to a study in women with breast cancer found that drinking wine can help to limit the toxic effects of radiation on the skin.
Known, some components of wine can protect against the harmful effects of radiation. These components include polyphenols and tannins.

In this study, Dr Gabriella Macchia, from Catholic University, Campobasso, Italy, and colleagues examined the protective effect of wine consumption of 348 women who underwent radiation therapy after breast cancer surgery. Risk of suffering toxic effects from radiation were to reach 38.4 per cent of them do not drink wine, amounting to 31.8 percent in women who drank half a glass every day, and 13.6 percent in the drinker one glass of wine a day, and 35 percent on their who drank two glasses each day.

Researchers found that women who drank only one glass of wine a day had a much lower risk of suffering from the effects of radiation therapy. In particular, they risk exposure to toxins the skin from radiation around 75 percent less than those not drinking.

Source: -

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Toko Oen Semarang

Ice cream - Menyebut tempat wisata kuliner Kota Semarang, pastilah Toko Oen yang berada di jalan Pemuda menjadi restoran paling awal disebutkan. Toko yang sudah bertahan tiga generasi itu, dengan khas menyajikan menu-menu andalannya yang bahan maupun rasa terjaga secara turun temurun dan diyakini rasanya tidak pernah berubah dari dulu.

Toko Oen Semarang berdiri sejak tahun 1933, saat ini pemiliknya Yenni Kalalo merupakan generasi ketiga dari toko tersebut. Konsep restoran satu ini pun khas, dengan bangunan kunonya. Kalaupun ada penyegaran pada interiornya saja.

Toko Oen bagaikan ikon Semarang, setiap wisatawan khususnya dari Belanda yang berkunjung ke Semarang selalu mampir sejenak ke toko ini.

Saat ini Toko Oen bukan lagi identik dengan orang tua, saat kami datang dan ingin menikmati makanan di restoran tersebut ada beberapa anak muda datang di restoran yang didirikan oleh Liem Gien Nio, istri dari Oen Tjoen Hok itu.

Kebanyakan anak muda ini datang menikmati berbagai Ice cream yang ada di Toko Oen, menurut Antok Liem pengurus Toko Oen es krim yang paling banyak digemari Ice cream Oen Simphony dan Tutty Fruity.

Kedua Ice cream ini disajikan dengan bentuk yang sangat unik, untuk Oen Simphony ada permainan warna dalam penyajiannya dari Ice cream rasa coklat yang ditaruh paling bawah, ditingkat selanjutnya ada Ice cream rasa vanila, serta tidak ketinggalan roti lidah kucing.

Yang lebih menarik lagi ternyata resep pembuatan Ice cream ini sama dengan saat Toko Oen berdiri, Antok mengungkapkan resep yang dibuat sejak generasi pertama itu sengaja dipertahankan untuk menjaga rasa Ice cream tersebut.

"Dulu pernah diuji coba untuk beberapa bahan pembuat Ice cream dikurangi, ternyata rasa yang dihasilkan sangat berbeda. Sehingga sampai saat ini oleh generasi penerus Toko Oen tetap menggunakan resep Ice cream yang lama tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun komposisi bahan pembuatnya," ungkap Antok.

Resep Ice cream yang telah bertahan puluhan tahun itu ternyata memang sangat nikmat, Ice cream nya lumer dan lembut dimulut. Untuk rasa dari eIce cream itu sendiri sangatlah nikmat, tentunya Ice cream Oen Simphony seharga Rp 17.500 itu tidaklah mahal dan sepadan dengan rasa Ice cream itu sendiri.

Antok menambahkan menikmati Ice cream di Toko Oen sangatlah nikmat kalau diselingi nyemil beberapa roti khas buatan TOKO Oen seperti kaastengel (kue keju kering) dan kattetonge (kue lidah kucing). (Wisanggeni/CN13)

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Sate Kiloan SMS ala Tegal

Sate Kiloan SMS mengambil citarasa Sate ala Tegal untuk menu resep Sate Kambing dan untuk menu resep Lainnya seperti resep Tongseng Kambing dan resep Tongseng Ayam menggunakan bumbu rempah ala resep masakan Solo.
“Rumah makan ini perpaduan antara masakan khas Tegal dan Solo”, tandas Lina. Dar¡ desain bangunannya Sate Kiloan SMS juga punya ciri khas. Ornamen gubuk dan pernak-pernik khas pedesaan dipadu-padankan hingga menjadi hiasan yang menarik. Menurut sejarah, warung sate kiloan dirintis oleh Ujang Nasir, warga Babakan, Madang, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Disebut sate kiloan, karena pembeli sate ¡tu tidak membeli berdasarkan jumiah tusukan satenya, melainkan berapa berat kilonya.

Walau namanya Sate Kambing, namun menu resep yang disajikan rumah makan ini terbuat dar¡ daging domba, bukan dar¡ daging kambing. ALasan Lina karena daging domba memiliki serat lebih halus dibandingkan daging kambing. Selain itu aroma daging domba juga lebih bersahabat ketimbang daging kambing yang Lebih prengus.

Jika ingin menikrnati Sate Kambing di sin¡, daging kambing akan ditimbang dulu sesuai pesanan. Untuk seperempat kilogram sate, berisi 12 tusuk, Anda cukup merogoh kocek sebesar Rp 38 ribu rupiah. Sedangkan untuk satu kilogram dipatok seharga Rp 152 ribu rupiah. Anda juga bisa membeli dalam ukuran porsi, ¡si 10 tusuk Rp 32 ribu. Jadi sangat fleksibel.

Dibandingkan olahan daging kambing, warna Sate-nya tidak cokiat kehitaman seperti Sate pada umumnya namun coklat kemerahan. Bumbu resep pelengkapnya ada potongan tomat, cabe rawit hijau, bawang merah, bawang goreng, dan sedikit siraman kecap manis. Bumbu resep pelengkap ¡ni sama dengan bumbu resep pelengkap yang digunakan pada resep Sate Tegal, yaitu Sambal Kecap berupa campuran resep bawang merah, tomat, cabe rawit, serta tak ketinggalan kecap manis.

Warna coklat kemerahan dihasilkan dar¡ olesan sedikit margarin dan kecap manis saat daging dibakar sehingga daging tak mudah hangus. Proses membakarannya menggunakan arang batok kelapa, sehingga nyala bara lebih lama dan debu bakaran tidak banyak. Dagingnya terasa begitu empuk karena domba yang digunakan oieh rumah makan ini adalah domba yang berusia antara 7-10 bulan. Bagian daging domba yang digunakan tidak ditentukan harus dar¡ bagian paha atau dada.

Yang unik adalah tambahan minyak samin yang dioleskan setelah proses pembakaran Sate. Tambahan minyak samin membuat rasa Sate gurih berbaur dengan gurihnya margarin. “Nita memang sengaja menggunakan minyak samin agar Sate lebih gurih,” ujar Lina.
Citarasa resep-nya memang benar-benar klop, ada sensasi manis dar¡ citarasa resep Sate Solo yang dengan sensasi gurih minyak samin. Sebagai penutup setequk Es Jeruk Manis sangat menyegarkan. Selain ¡tu ada pilihan Jus dan Softdrink. Aneka buah yang dijadikan Jus berupa belimbing, jeruk, mangga, alpukat, jambu, tomat, serte jus kombinasi dar¡ campuran beberapa buah. Kisaran harga makanannya mula¡ dar¡ Rp 16 ribu sampai dengan Rp 800 ribu untuk Kambing Guling, dan minuman segar dar¡ Rp 3 ribu sampai dengan Rp 10,5 ribu.
Penasaran bagaimana bedanya Sate Kambing di rumah makan ¡ni dengan tempat lainnya. Catat jam bukanya dar¡ puku1 9 pagi sampai 10 malam.***

Sumber :

Lihat juga:
Dim Sum

Enaknya Soto Gondrong

Soto Gondrong???...Yup, sebenarnya sudah sering sih saya mendengar bisik-bisik tentang ke"maknyusan." Kuliner yang satu ini apalagi tempatnya pun gak jauh-jauh dari kediaman-koe. Penasaran???. Yup, tentu saja. Padahal apa sih bedanya dengan soto-soto ayam lainnya...apa sih yang membuat Soto Gondrong ini begitu terdengar istimewa banget..apanya yang gondrong ya..hehe..

Agar tidak terus dibuat penasaran maka saya dan keluarga berencana menikmati makan siang dirumah makan ini. Terletak ditempat yang agak tinggi dan berada dipojok jalan membuat rumah makan ini mudah terlihat. So, gak usah khawatir bakal kesasar deh..

Hmmm, tempat parkir terlihat penuh dengan kendaraan berplat nomor surabaya maupun beberapa kota lain di Jawa Timur. Yup, gak heran deh...tempat-tempat wisata maupun kuliner dikota-koe selalu dipadati oleh para pelancong dari luar kota yang tengah berakhir pekan... Hari sabtu dan hari Minggu merupakan saat panen bagi tempat-tempat wisata alam maupun rumah makan. Panen raya hehe...

Akhirnya kami dapat tempat parkir juga deh...bergaya arsitektural yang unik dengan memanfaatkan bambu dimana setiap sambungan antar bambu menggunakan tali yang diikat..(tanpa paku). Dan tanpa kaca maupun pembatas ruang (dinding). Sehingga terlihat menyatu banget dengan hijaunya tanaman disekitar area resto.

Duh, gak sabar deh menunggu pesanan soto Gondrong datang...dan hmmm, akhirnya kuliner tersebut terhidang dihadapan kami..soto gondrong plus es degan..sipppp...saatnya icip-icip nih. Hmmm, saya-pun merasakan sensasi yang WAOWWW..rempah-rempahnya terasa banget... ahhh...kayaknya ini yang menjadi bumbu rahasia kuliner ini...daripada puyeng mencari asal rasa tersebut saya pun larut dalam kenikmatan soto gondrong dan pas banget dengan kondisi perut yang lagi lapar. Hmm, menikmati soto hangat didaerah pegunungan...(gak kebayang deh ^_^). O,ya..soto gondrong ini dibandrol harga Rp 12.500,-/porsi. Konon katanya, para pramusaji diresto ini dulunya kudu berambut gondrong (untuk para pria). Namun, saya hanya menemui satu orang saja yang masih berambut gondrong..(mungkin yang lainnya merasa ribet kali yaaaa..harus masak soto plus menyisir rambut juga hahaha..).

Selain menu soto gondrong,diresto ini juga terdapat menu-menu lain seperti kupang lontong, bakso, lontong balap, sate ayam maupun beberapa jajanan pasar seperti nagasari, ote-ote, pisang goreng...dan..JAGUNG BAKAR bok...hehe...

Seusai menikmati makan siang, kami tak ingin terburu-buru beranjak meninggalkan area resto...duduk-duduk dihalaman resto yang luas sambil menikmati alam pegunungan dan rumah-rumah yang terlihat kecil nun jauh disana. Hmmm, sangat menyenangkan sambil menurunkan "rasa kenyang" hehe...

O,ya biaya parkir sebesar Rp 1.500,- pun sudah langsung dibayar, gak perlu lagi merogoh kocek untuk para tukang parkir kecuali anda ingin memberi tips kepada mereka..^_^..

Ahhh, soto gondrong...seperti itu ya rasanya...membuat-koe ketagihan dan berjanji akan datang lagi bersama keluarga.....tunggu ya..

Sumber : Micky Jo -

Lihat juga:
Sour Sally
Burger King

Yummy Tongue Steak

Steak or biefstuk is one dish which is still used as colonial mainstay of many restaurants. Dutch-influenced culinary dish is indeed made from cow's tongue. Peeled and boiled beef tongue until completely tender.

If you want a little pampering with a special meal this afternoon, let alone taste the food of this colonial style. Tasty tender slices of cow tongue with a splash of fragrant sauce. Added potatoes and vegetables, be a delicious lunch and steady!

Furthermore steak with a sauce flavored English, a little soy sauce, cloves, nutmeg and pepper. Because it feels a bit sweet with a fragrant aroma of spices. Some restaurants serve steak with brown sauce or tongue blackpepper sauce so that the view becomes more modern.

Complementary beefsteak tongue is French fries or boiled, a few pieces of lettuce and vegetables setup. Because of that portion of beefsteak tongue will not only make full but also nutritionally complete. Taste delicious tender beef tongue will be stroking the tongue with a fragrant sauce dressing. Hmm .. really delicious!

If you are ready to shake up the tongue with tongue steak, quickly select a restaurant below.

RM Miranda (TanGoei)
Jl. Besuki, Menteng
Central Jakarta

Kusuma Sari Café & Catering
Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan 12
Kebayoran Baru
South Jakarta

RM Bu Endang
Jl. Wijaya I No. 28.
South Jakarta

Indo Dutch Restaurant Ny.Han
Jalan Raya Serpong Km 7 No. 8 C
Serpong, Tangerang
Phone: 021-5396808

Star Cafe
Jl. Arterial Kedoya Raya No.20
West Jakarta

Kitchen Babah
Jl. Veteran I / 17-19
Central Jakarta
Phone: 021-7060 2256; 021-385 5653 (dev / Odi)

Source: Odilia Winneke-detikFood

See also:
Dim Sum

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Try to eat Dim Sum

You rush off to work and no time for breakfast? Or you the type who can not eat carbs in the morning? If so, try to eat Dim Sum!

Dim sum is a kind of snack food is nutritious enough to satiate your stomach. The tradition originated from the Cantonese Dim Sum, Chinese Dim Sum which is always presented as a friend to tea. Starting from teahouses to the pilgrims, Dim Sum is always presented in the morning as they journey.

In development now, in some countries such as Hong Kong, Dim Sum is served in the morning as a breakfast dish and is usually only sold until noon only. According to experts, Dim Sum is very healthful and nutritious. Now many people who choose to consume healthy because in addition to Dim Sum is also practical.

Dim sum has a variety of types, there are steamed Dim Sum (steamed), such as dumplings, hakau (shrimp), Cheong fun (rice flour), siomai. While the fries, including shrimp spring rolls, fried taro, or fried dumplings.

If you want to try Dim Sum, just sharing, here are some Chinese restaurants that have a variety of dim sum which I think worth a try:

1. Ocean Restaurant
Various kinds of dim sum is available here. Ocean is always crowded when the weekend arrives, so you must be willing to queue in order to enjoy the menu here. Menu recommendations: Cheong fun and chicken siomai.

2. Huang Ting Restaurant
Restaurant Chinese food also has many variations of dim sum. At weekends, dim sumnya more complete collection than regular days. Menu recommendations: shrimp dumplings mayonnaise and siomai.

3. Ta Wan Restaurant
Although variations on dim sum menus here tend to be small, shrimp spring rolls from Ta Wan still worth a try! In addition, the restaurant is also famous for its variation that is not less tempting porridge.

4. Daniang Dumpling
The unique thing of this restaurant is presenting his kitchen in front so that it can be seen all fresh food cooked by the chef directly. Menu that I recommend is Xiao lung bao, which is shaped bao dumplings, which contain meat and berkuah. In addition you can also try Sui Kiau, the steamed dumplings containing meat or vegetables.

5. Din Tai Fung
The most popular menu of Din Tai Fung is the Xiao Lung Bao (a type of flour dough that contains meat) and puree. Although relatively expensive, but for those of you who enjoyed Xiao Lung Bao, this is where the most delicious.

Talking about Dim Sum, stomach I was suddenly rumbling. Hmm ... Are you also begin to be tempted by the tiny?

Source: Kurniawati

See also:

Sate Torpedo Jakarta Selatan

Sate - Surya Saputra didaulat sebagai pemandu acara 'Berkorban Sepenuh Hati Bersama Bango' di Masjid Raya Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. Ia mendapat pengalaman baru saat mencicip Sate torpedo.

"Rasanya enak tapi kalo disuruh milih, aku lebih suka sate daging daripada torpedo," kata Surya saat ditemui di sela-sela acara, Jumat, 27 November 2009.

Sate torpedo merupakan masakan yang diolah dari organ kelamin sapi atau kambing. Mitosnya, sate torpedo berkhasiat sebagai obat kuat laki-laki atau meningkatkan gairah seksual. "Efeknya berbahaya, tapi itu mitos ajalah," ujarnya.

Meski tak terlalu menyukai rasanya, Surya tak kapok untuk mencobanya lagi. Alasannya, sate torpedo merupakan salah satu menu khas yang disajikan dalam kuliner Indonesia. "Karena termasuk melestarikan," ujarnya.

Sumber : Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Gestina Rachmawati-

Lihat juga:
Sour Sally
Burger King

Varieties of Ice cream

Last one year, chose Ice cream was more confusing. Confused because the more diverse flavors offered. Not to mention all the 'accessories' additions that can be mixed in it.
Ice cream culinary development to form an increasingly 'complex' is most easily seen in shopping centers. Ice cream restaurant and home-based businesses, too, improvise.

If you have this, there is no other way to know the greatness of culinary development jajal Ice cream in addition to direct. In addition, the appearance of Ice cream are increasingly 'complex' challenge the sense of taste.
One of the interesting try is Cold Stone Creamery. Ice cream from Arizona, USA, this is on some central shopping area of South Jakarta.
From the pictures at the booth can be seen ice cream categorized as 'complicated' earlier. Ice cream is rising in the cup of dried wafle wavy until like a volcano erupting.

However vomit stone alternated with chocolate, nuts, and even some bananas, crackers, and chunks of chocolate cake. There are 21 ice cream flavors and 43 mix (mix-in) other provided.

If you have not dared to explore, select the signature ice cream is a safe way to get a delicious creations. One of the flagship stores Devotion ie it is chocolate ice cream mixed with chocolate brown granules and brownies. Sensation on the tongue seems equivalent. Although porous, ice cream was soft. Viscosity shows high levels of milk.
Mixed grain of chocolate make this meal feels crowded in the mouth. Maybe a little bit inconvenient because some sticky brown teeth. Even so sweet keep fit, it is probably because the ice cream base that is not too sweet.

Ice cream mixed style is also already entered the hotel buffe. Shangri-La Hotel, one of them. Although not seberagam at the booth, in the form of chocolate biscuits, bars, cylinders, or strawberry are also available. "Because the bottom line is be creative as you please. That's what made people love ice cream. While not bad, still prefer for your own creations," said Executive Pastry Chef Shangri-La, Guillaume Bonnety.
Men's French vanilla ice cream assess the best basis for mixing. "Because not too sweet," said Bonnety who called the style of ice cream as tepanyaki, referring to the table where the mixing of ice cream.

This table also become an additional attraction is ice cream. On the table are similar to refrigerated granite table tepanyaki processing, the ice cream mix, chopped, to be compressed again. Even so, the ice cream does not melt.

Italian gelato ice cream (gelati-plural) are also increasingly found in Indonesia. Ice cream contains fruit and low fat content of milk.

That way, gelati feel lighter than regular ice cream. Alessandro Santi, Italian chef at the Shangri-La, said gelati functioning wash the taste of food in advance and provide a sense of fresh afterwards.

Source: Dok.mi/OL-5 - Star Krisanti - Media Indonesia

See also:

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Fusion Sushi di Sushi Wold

Penggemar Sushi akan melakukan apa saja untuk mendapatkan makanan favoritnya. Bahkan kalau diperlukan, antre dan membayar mahal pun tidak keberatan. Tapi untuk yang satu ini dijamin Anda tidak perlu antre. Harganya pun sangat terjangkau. Maklum, harga mahasiswa.

Sushi World layak menjadi salah satu tempat pilihan yang pas bagi penyuka sushi. Di restoran ini pengunjung bisa mencicipi aneka fusion sushi yang sedang digandrungi oleh kaum muda. Fusion sushi ini memiliki cita rasa yang beda, karena sudah mengalami sedikit perubahan, dengan cara memadukan bahan-bahan yang ada.

Pada dasarnya sushi merupakan makanan Jepang yang terdiri dari nasi yang dibentuk bersama lauk berupa makanan laut, daging, sayuran mentah atau sudah dimasak. Asal-usul kata sushi adalah kata sifat untuk rasa masam yang ditulis dengan huruf kanji sushi.

Pada awalnya, sushi yang ditulis dengan huruf kanji merupakan istilah untuk salah satu jenis pengawetan ikan yang disebut gyosho, yakni membaluri ikan dengan garam dapur, bubuk ragi atau ampas sake.

"Kalau fusion sushi ditambah dengan bahan baru seperti mayones, alpukat, mangga, timun, bahkan cabai rawit. Sushinya pun bisa digoreng," ujar Rahandari (23) alias Riri, salah satu pemilik Sushi World.

Aneka ragam sushi disajikan dengan tampilan yang sangat menarik dan menggugah selera. Salah satu andalannya dragon roll. Dalamnya diisi dengan udang yang digoreng dan mayones lalu ditaburi dengan tepung tempura dan diberi alpukat di atasnya. Menu ini juga termasuk populer di banyak restoran sushi lainnya.

Meski dari segi jenis sama, namun dari isi dan penyajiannya dibuat berbeda. Paling penting, harganya bisa separuh dari harga restoran sushi ternama. Dragon roll ini dipatok dengan harga Rp 35.000.

Riri juga menyarankan untuk mencoba volcano. Sushi ini dilumuri saus merah lezat yang terbuat dari baby octopus dan saus mayo. Dalam gulungan sushi diisi dengan daging kepiting, mayones, dan alpukat. Bagi yang suka dengan rasa pedas, disarankan untuk berani mencoba kalimantan. Sushi ini berisi ikan sisamo, mayones, selada air, dan cabai rawit.

"Tak jarang juga ada konsumen yang memberi masukan kepada kami untuk dibuatkan jenis sushi tertentu yang pernah dicobanya di restoran lain. Kalau sekiranya cocok, tidak tertutup kemungkinan dimasukkan ke dalam daftar menu," ujar Riri lagi.

Ada pula jenis sushi yang disebut dengan gunkan, yakni nasi yang digulung lalu diberi topping ikan mentah, telur ikan atau belut di atasnya, dan dibungkus dengan nori sekelilingnya. Jenis lain adalah nigiri sushi, yakni sushi yang di atasnya diberi irisan ikan kemudian diikat dengan nori.

Sebagai teman makan sushi, paling klop dipadukan dengan wasabi. Sambal khas Jepang itu memang unik. Pasalnya, bahan sambal bukan dari cabai yang biasa kita makan, melainkan terbuat dari lobak Jepang yang apabila dicicipi akan muncul rasa pedas yang cukup menyengat di hidung.

Pengunjung yang tidak tahan rasa pedasnya bisa mencampur wasabi dengan shoyu, yaitu sejenis kecap jepang yang rasanya asin dan manis. Dilengkapi pula dengan gari, sejenis jahe berwarna merah muda.

Sebagai informasi, sushi dengan ikan yang telah melalui proses masak justru bernilai gizi baik, rendah kalori, dan rendah lemak. Sushi salmon mengandung vitamin D, dan bahan ketan pada sushi memberikan karbohidrat yang baik untuk tenaga.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Dr Iain Brownlee dari University of Newscastle, sushi juga populer sebagai makanan penurun berat badan.

Elemen yang memberikan manfaat tersebut adalah nori, rumput laut kering yang digunakan untuk membungkus sushi. Para peneliti Inggris mengatakan bahwa nori berpotensi mengurangi retensi lemak tubuh hingga 75 persen.

Sumber : -

Lihat juga:
Dim Sum

Senin, 22 November 2010

Steak Factory in Central Jakarta

Steak as if synonymous with the land of Uncle Sam because it is one of the highest quality beef. No wonder the line of the type of beef imported from there as U.S. T-Bone Streak, U.S. Beef Ribs, Tenderloin U.S., U.S. Sirloin and so forth. Inipula types are available at Factory Steak restaurant owned by Kenneth Chen. It may be practically most people think of steak comes from the U.S..

In fact, it is said was originally not the case. Beef is not exactly popular as part of the diet choice in the U.S. before the Civil War. According to a site, its history is not even real beef from the U.S.. Precisely who introduced cattle to the new world of the Spaniards to Mexico in 1540.

Then, in the 18th century by the Spanish Colonial and French began to raise cows. As railways developed at the time, they use trains to transport cattle from San Antonio, Texas to New Orleans. But this industry then fell due to a terrible winter when the herd of cows gone up to 90 percent.
But along with the development of the age at the time, beef production increased again since 1871. Even after World War II, aka beef beef became a symbol of American prosperity.

This symbol eventually became famous all over the world while also providing inspiration to the interpreter-cook. Thus, aka steak steak menu also managed to become a kitchen mainstay. Resto-special steak restaurants also appear. In order to be different and gain profit, each restaurant also has a uniqueness of each with a different strategy. This, too, who carried out the Steak Factory, opened in the region that there is no special restaurant steak. In addition it is still not forgotten the taste of Indonesian cuisine in membubui beef imports. Through the concept of a low profile and local, Steak Factory is ready to spread to other cities in the future.

"Whose name is not only a shop building in Jakarta alone but in the region too, meaning Steak Factory can open in other areas also," that Chen hopes the expansion plan forward. Selling may be steak, but the Steak Factory still not forget the spice native to Indonesia!

Source: SH / sally approached -

See also:
Dim Sum

PT Sinar Mas was disappointed

PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk (SMART) was disappointed with Burger King's decision to no longer buy palm oil production.

"We are disappointed with the decision and will continue to provide a better understanding of the Burger King on our sustainability commitment," said Smart detikFinance quoted in a statement on Friday (03/09/2010).

Smart expects Burger King remains a palm oil consumer. Smart is also confident that Burger King's decision does not represent the views of most consumers.

"We look forward to welcoming them back as a consumer in the near future," said Smart.

Smart states, independent verification report (IVEX) have concluded SMART is a responsible company and operates in rigorous Standard Operating Procedures.

As is known, the U.S. fast food giant, Burger King decided to no longer buy palm oil from the Sinar Mas and son business. The decision was taken after Greenpeace is running a negative campaign against the Sinar Mas.

Burger King said in a statement asserted, the result of verification by independent auditors of the business unit of Sinar Mas, PT Smart Tbk shows activity that is inconsistent with the commitment to corporate responsibility.

Burger King's decision was also taken after the release of the results of the verification team that is prepared by an independent verification agency Control Union Certification (CUC) and the BSI Group of PT Sinar Mas Agro Research and Technology Tbk (Smart) and the parent company of Golden Agri Resources Smart.

Source: Qom / dnl - Nurul Qomariyah - detikFinance

See also:

Donny Pramono, founder Sour Sally

He was only 27 years old tread, but his efforts to expand rapidly. Within a half years, the business yogurtnya labeled Sour Sally was present in four major cities with dozens of outlets. Donny Pramono also intends to pass on a healthy lifestyle together yogurtnya in neighboring countries, like Singapore and Malaysia.

"At first because I was interested in the yogurt when I was studying in America, it has become commonplace. From there I see an opportunity, in Indonesia there is no," Donny said when met in Jakarta, some time ago. Accounting and marketing graduates were admitted while in the U.S. he was very loved / Rozen yogurt while hanging out with her friends. One time, when the mother was there, he also served yogurt. From there the blaze was an idea to spread the joy to eat yogurt in Indonesia.

Dreams become entrepreneurs, following in the footsteps of his father, makes Donny began building creative idea. It's not as easy as he imagined, and to realize his dreams it takes hard work. "Many are skeptical that this yogurt could become a popular food in Indonesia. But I remain convinced that if a moment not just a trend, as well as a lifestyle," said Donny optimistic.

The choice to move in the market that he created his own sort of success. Sour Sally's name and the concept of decoration that their favorite magazine tongkrongan young people today. At least that was proven with several outlets that spread in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Denpasar. For the middle to lower, Donny also make a special booth.

Found after the release of its newest product, Donny was so active and aggressive. Himself also so smoothly to reveal a number of new ideas that has always been innovation, which in his eyes would become the new land along with Sour Sally.

Source: ral/L-3 -

See also:
Ice cream

Dim Sum, Menu yang di Jagokan

Dim Sum menjadi menu yang dijagokan resto fast food oriental, Oenpao, mengingat awal mula resto ini berasal dari kedai dim sum yang berlokasi di kawasan Bumi Serpong Damai. Nama Oenpao pun akhirannya diambil dari kata ”bakpao”.

Dim sum yang disajikan jenisnya beragam. Cobalah hakkau oleh Anda yang menyukai udang. Udangnya sangat garing ketika dikunyah. Ada pula smoked beef and cheese. Dari namanya sudah ketahuan ini adalah dim sum isi daging dan keju yang spesial. Daging dan kejunya diselipkan tepat di tengah-tengah. Lainnya ada fried crab dumpling, lumpia ayam, lumpia udang, dan udang mayones.

Menariknya, ada mini pao sweet yang menawarkan isi keju, kacang merah, pandan, kacang hijau, cokelat, dan susu. Cocok bagi penyuka dim sum yang mungkin sudah jenuh dengan isi dim sum seafood atau daging.

Oenpao juga menyediakan aneka bubur. Oenpao spesial adalah bubur dengan isi bebek dan ayam panggang ditambah ayam char siew. Boleh pula mencicipi bubur seafood yang terdiri atas daging ikan kakap, cumi, bakso ikan, dan udang.

Bila ingin menikmati hidangan ”berat”, pilih saja nasi hainan di antara sajian menu yang ada. Ada nasi hainan mix grill yang berupa daging bebek dan ayam panggang, ayam char siew, dan pok choy. Nasi yang agak kecokelatan ini pulen dan mempunyai taste tersendiri. Potongan daging ayam dan bebek yang disediakan dalam satu porsi, juga lumayan banyak.

Nasi ini dihidangkan dengan semangkuk kuah dan tiga jenis pilihan sambal. Ada sambal botol, plum sauce, dan sambal Oenpao yang terbuat dari cabai kering dengan minyak khusus. Jangan kira sambal ini tidak pedas. Yang membuat pedas justru minyaknya. Acara makan pun bisa semakin bergairah.

Ada lagi nasi hainan ayam jamur tausi. Nasi ini disajikan dengan bumbu tauco. Menu lainnya, terdapat nasi bebek spesial dan nasi hainan pangsit shanghai.

Masakan Asia kurang lengkap tanpa hidangan mi. Pilihan menu mi yang bisa Anda nikmati di sini antara lain mi pangsit shanghai. Ukuran mi ini kecil-kecil, tidak seperti mi pada umumnya. Dalam satu mangkuk, di samping ayam dan daun pok choy, ada pula dua buah pangsit shanghai yang memiliki isi. Char siew wonton noodle merupakan menu mi lain yang ditawarkan.

Juga ada deretan sup dan kari. Sebut saja tom yam noodle soup yang porsinya cukup besar. Chicken curry noodle, wonton soup, dan swekiau kuah adalah menu lainnya. Yang terakhir ini merupakan kulit pangsit dengan daging ayam.

Di musim penghujan ini, untuk menghangatkan tubuh, Anda bisa memesan seafood curry noodle. Mi yang lagi-lagi porsinya cukup banyak dan kaya akan seafood ini enak disantap selagi hangat. Dijamin sangat segar.

Masih bernuansa hidangan laut, Anda bisa mencoba bubur oenpao spesial. Ayam char siew, tofu, cumi, udang, dan jamur akan menemani acara bersantap Anda. Jangan lupa menambahkan kulit pangsit, tongcay, dan irisan daging ayam yang juga disediakan. Tambahkan sambal jika ingin agak pedas.

Jangan lewatkan pula kesempatan menjajal ceker ayam yang menjadi favorit para tamu. Dalam satu porsi disediakan tiga buah ceker. Jika merasa kurang, tinggal angkat tangan Anda dan panggillah pelayan. Sebab, rasanya seporsi memang belum cukup untuk menuntaskan rasa puas dan penasaran Anda.

Menemani makanan, ada pilihan minuman di antaranya aneka jus, shake, dan smoothies. Ada pula teh tarik. Jika ingin yang hangat dan tidak manis, pesanlah teh tawar. Teh ini merupakan teh China dan yang pasti rasanya berbeda dengan teh tawar kebanyakan. Penasaran bukan? Datang saja langsung ke resto ini!

Sumber : Koran SI/Koran SI/ftr - okefood

Lihat juga :

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Tampilan Baru Abuba Steak

Abuba Steak adalah salah satu tempat makan steak yang nge-top dan ramai dikunjungi di Jakarta. Outlet pertamanya adalah yang terletak di Jalan Cipete Raya, kemudian disusul dengan outlet-outlet berikutnya di daerah Kelapa Gading, Pluit Indah Raya dan Wahid Hasyim Jakarta dan segera akan menyusul di Bandung yang menurut kabarnya akan dibuka tanggal 1 Mei 2008. Alamatnya di Jalan Prabudi Muntur No 12 (Dago Area), Bandung.

Yang saya ingin ceritakan adalah perubahan tampilan outlet yang terletak di Jalan Cipete Raya. Abuba yang sekarang sudah pindah lokasi, dari tempat yang penuh dengan asap (kata orang-orang) dan parkiran yang susah tapi tetap saja ramai (kata orang-orang lagi) ke tempat yang lebih nyaman dan interior masa kini (ini bukan kata orang, tapi kata saya). Lokasinya masih di Jalan Cipete Raya. Soal parkiran gak usah kuatir, apalagi soal tempat duduk (buanyak banget). Mau yang saling tatap-tatapan ada, mau yang lagi 'musuhan' dan duduk berdampingan saja dengan pembatas meja juga ada.

Menu yang disajikan masih sama. Mulai dari steak daging lokal hingga steak daging impor, ada juga steak ayam, steak salmon, steak kakap, grill sosis, grill beef burger dan steak daging goreng. Bagi yang gak doyan makan kentang jangan kuatir tersedia juga nasi putih. Harga steak berkisar dari Rp 32,000.- sampai Rp 80,000.- Ada juga menu yang sekarang lagi nge-trend yaitu daging Wagyu Australia yang dijual sekitar Rp 135,000.-

Minuman mulai dari air mineral, soft drink, hingga milo dan lemonade. Teh hangat juga gak ketinggalan. Harga minuman dari Rp 1,000.- sampai Rp 7,000.- Semua harga di atas belum termasuk Ppn 10 %.

Sumber : Meidy -

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Dim Sum

Dim Sum Dumpling

Traditional Dim Sum includes steamed or fried dumplings, filled buns, rice rolls, and noodles. Ingredients include chicken, pork, beef, prawns, and a number of vegetarian options. Dim Sum restaurants often additionally offer plates of steamed green vegetables and desserts including pastries and fruity porridges. The assortment of dishes is truly a marvel, though certain staples will nearly always appear on the roster. 'Gow' is a standard of most Dim Sum bistros.

Dumplings wrapped in translucent rice-flour skin, 'Gow' allows a chef to draw attention to his artistry, as the dumplings are quite challenging to create.

'Chiu-chao' style dumplings resemble Thai dishes, containing peanuts, garlic chives, dried shrimp, shitake mushrooms, and served with a sharp chilli sauce. 'Potstickers', a familiar Chinese favourite, are sometimes included in a Dim Sum meal, though they are not categorised as a traditional element in the cuisine. A Northern Chinese style of dish, 'potstickers' are delicious dumplings stuffed with a filling of cabbage and meat.

Aside from dumplings, Cantonese varieties of buns comprise many Dim Sum specialties. Shanghai steamed buns are filled with meat, often seafood, and are distinguished by a hearty soup concealed within the bun. 'Bau' is another type of bun, served baked or steamed. A fluffy treat, 'bau' is filled with an assortment of meat and vegetables. Perhaps the most distinct and popular type of 'bau', 'cha siu baau' consists of Cantonses barbeque-flavoured pork, meat, and onions inside a light outer casing.

Many items within the Dim Sum catalogue don't fall as easily into the typical bun/dumpling category. Aforementioned phoenix talons (chicken feet), sesame seed balls, steamed spare ribs, lotus leaf rice, mango pudding, tofu desserts, spring rolls, egg tarts and fried squid are all potential features in a Dim Sum dining encounter. Some restaurants may offer up to one hundred different items on a particularly demanding day.

Source : - restaurant dining experiences

See also :

Enaknya Soto Banjar

Kuah kekuningan yang mengepul panas menebarkan aroma wangi rempah yang sedap. Racikan Soto ayam ini benar-benar gurih enak. Rasa kaldu yang kuat dan irisan telur bebek rebus yang kenyal-kenyal gurih membuat soto ini makin sempurna sebagai soto Banjar!

Berulang kali melintasi Jl. Pajajaran Bogor warung soto Banjar ini selalu menggoda selera. Hampir tak pernah sepi pengunjung dan kenangan akan rasa gurih yang enak membuat saya selalu ingin mampir lagi. Seperti siang itu saat gerimis mulai turun, semangkok soto Banjar yang hangat mengepulpun jadi target utama saya.

Ternyata setelah memesan soto Banjar saya masih tergoda dengan tampilan ketupat Kandangan yang unik. Ketupat ini memakai ikan haruan bakar dengan siraman kuah gurih yang enak. Hmm.. .jadilah ketupat Kandangan plus nasi kuning Banjar pun saya pesan untuk menumpas kangen masakan Kalimantan Selatan!

Kuah soto yang mengepul panas menebarkan aroma kapulaga dan kayu manis yang semerbak. Wuiih wangi benar! Kuahnya bening kecokelatan dengan suun dan cincangan daun bawang plus suwiran daging ayam sebagai isiannya. Yang menarik justru potongan telur rebusnya yang oranye menyala dan putih telur yang agak transparan.

Hirupan pertama terasa tonjokan bumbu rempah yang kompak dan gurih wangi. Pastinya bumbunya tidak pelit. Telur rebuspun terasa kenyal-kenyal gurih karena memakai telur bebek rebus. Setelah dikucuri sedikit air jeruk nipis dan diaduk dengan sambal rawit, wah... rasanya makin gurih pedas segar!

Ketupat Kandangan yang diberi nama sesuai dengan daerah asalnya Kandangan ini sebenarnya sangat sederhana. Namun, justru dua elemen utama racikan ketupat ini yang unik. Pertama ketupat khas Kandangan yang besar dan gendut. Tak seperti ketupat umumnya yang padat lembut, ketupat Kandangan justru agak pera, butiran nasinya masih bisa terlacak dan mudah dimemarkan.

Yang kedua adalah si ikan haruan alias ikan gabus yang diasap atau dipanggang memiliki tekstur kenyal kokoh dan gurih rasanya. Tentu saja dengan aroma wangi asap yang sedap. Kuahnya berupa kuah santan dengan aroma bawang, merica, ketumbar dan serai yang wangi.

Rasa kuahnya gurih-gurih enak. Untuk menyantap ketupat ini, ketupat dimemarkan dengan sendok hingga buyar dan menyatu dengan kuah santan plus ikan haruan yang wangi. Setelah itu butiran nasi yang terendam kuah menjadi makin enak. Apalagi jika diaduk dengan sedikit sambal yang kemerahan. Hmm... racikan ketupat Kandangan ini benar-benar mengobati kangen saya.

Nasi kuning Banjar juga disajikan dengan sederhana. Lauknya bisa dipilih ayam, daging, ikan haruan atau telur bebek. Tampilannya memang seperti nasi kuning umumnya dan ayam masak habang yang jadi lauknya memang diselimuti sambal yang kental merah agak kehitaman.

Saat dikunyah barulah terasa kalau nasi kuning ini agak pera tetapi lebih gurih dari nasi kuning yang biasa. Hmm.. pastinya karena memakai santan yang kental. Bumbu habangnya tidak terasa pedas tetapi justru manis dengan aksen asam yang enak. Pas dipadu dengan gurih wanginya nasi kuning.

Di rumah makan ini juga tersedia beragam kain tradisional Kalimantan seperti sasirangan dan lampit (tikar dari anyaman kulit rotan). Juga bisa dipesan beragam jenis penganan khas Banjar seperti amparan tatak, bika banjar, dan madu hutan Kalimantan.

Sepertinya saya bakal sering mampir ke warung ini. Selain cita rasanya masih kental Banjar, harga makanannya juga tidak terlalu mahal. Seporsi Soto Banjar dihargai Rp 14.000,00, Nasi Kuning Ayam Rp 14.000,00 dan Ketupat Kandangan Rp 17.000,00. Tak berlebihan untuk sebuah kenikmati daerah yang unik!

Sumber : Dev / Odilia Winneke - detikFood

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Selasa, 16 November 2010

Ayo Minum Wine!!

Ini adalah yang ketiga dari Wine Carmenere saya mencicipi bulan ini. Seperti yang saya dinyatakan dalam dua artikel saya sebelumnya, Carmenere adalah salah satu anggur saya mendorong samping di masa lalu, tetapi telah ditempatkan pada daftar untuk memeriksa kembali pada tahun 2010. Dua yang pertama meninggalkan aku dengan perasaan campur aduk tentang anggur. Arboleda tahun 2006 lebih penuh bertubuh dengan banyak bumi, paprika hijau dan tembakau. Ini kurang buah dengan pengecualian beberapa saat ini hitam atau beberapa raspberry hitam di mulut. Concha y Toro Marques de Casa Concha 2007 jauh berbeda dengan aroma yang lebih banyak buah dan bumi kurang dan tembakau. Meskipun saya ingin mencoba Arboleda dengan steak panggang tebal, Marques de Casa Concha lebih fleksibel dan akan melakukannya dengan baik dengan ayam, semur, burger dan pizza.
Malam ini saya membuka sumbat Carmenere lain dari Concha y Toro, yang Casillero del Diablo 2008 Reserve. Sekali lagi aku menemukan sesuatu yang jauh berbeda dari dua sebelumnya, mungkin sedikit di-antara.

Ada ceri gelap sedikit dan blueberry tersembunyi di bawah aroma tembakau dan coklat. Mulut itu menawarkan sama dengan bumbu sedikit mengarah ke selesai kering, tapi pedas. Aku menikmati ini dengan beberapa Muenster dan keju Dubliner. Harga juga tepat untuk yang satu ini, pada $ 10 anda tidak bisa salah.
The Marques de Casa Concha, di $ 20, benar-benar yang terbaik dari tiga, meskipun Casillero del Diablo adalah membeli besar. Aku masih tidak dijual di Carmenere. Dalam beberapa bulan lagi aku akan mencoba tiga dan semoga tiga lagi sebelum tahun berakhir. Ini akan menyenangkan! (Whywineblog)

Senin, 15 November 2010

Effects of Ice cream

Beneath the Ice cream is a delicacy of the adverse effects that may not have a lot of people know, which reduces fertility. Ah, the time anyway? Although somewhat hard to believe, but a study made by researchers from the Nurses Health Study at Harvard School of Public Health, the U.S., it said that too much ice cream and other food products containing milk could increase the risk of infertility.

According to the researchers, women who ate two or more foods containing milk every day, tend to be difficult to conceive in the absence of ovulation. Meanwhile, those who eat fatty foods and milk once a day, only 27 percent are experiencing this problem. The results are reported in the European journal Human Reproduction this week.

But researchers also cautioned that the results of this research should not be trusted one hundred percent because of this research is only based on interviews with female respondents, rather than scientific research that specifically examines Ice cream. "The core of the publication of the results of this research is that women do not consume too much ice cream every day," said lead researcher, Dr. Jorge Chavarro from Harvard.

The results of this study was also questioned by the researchers themselves. According to them, the researchers were not able to find links between infertiliti and dairy products in general. "The weight that is too extreme, either too thin or too fat, which would increase the risk of difficult pregnancy," says Dr.William Gibbons, president of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. According to him, overeating is not good, but too strict diet as well as bad for the process of reproduction. (Indonesiaindonesia -

See also:

Cowboy Steak

Cowboys Steak & Cocktails is one of Prague's premier steakhouses, serving excellent cuisine and fine wines in the historic Lesser Town (Mala Strana) area of the city.

Cowboys is set in spacious 17th century cellars. Clever lighting and large mirrors bring out the contours in the exposed brickwork, while leather and cowhide upholstery provide comfortable seating in a modern, open plan environment.

Cowboys menu features fine cuts of meat shipped from Uruguay, Brazil and the USA.
Starters include tiger prawns, grilled octopus and crispy chicken strips. Amongst the desserts are good American homemade cheesecakes and chocolate fondants.

The wine list is extensive, and includes a number of expensive international wines. Although, there are some fine Czech wines at the lower end too. Whatever you order should be good - Cowboys has its own dedicated wine buyer.

The atmosphere at Cowboys is relaxed. The background tunes are kept low to allow for conversation. There is also an in-house cocktail bar, which gets lively at weekends. This is ideal for a drink before or after dinner, with a range of cocktails and shots to choose from.

From April to September guests can dine on the heated rooftop terrace, which offers exceptional panoramic views over Prague. This makes Cowboys a fine stop for lunch after a visit to Prague Castle, or for dinner to admire the beauty of Prague as dusk rolls in and the city lights up. For colder nights, the terrace has a heated conservatory area.

Cowboys is a good restaurant and worth a visit even for those not staying in the Lesser Town area. It is a ten minute stroll from Charles Bridge up Nerudova street, in the direction of Prague Castle.

Cowboys is more than a steakhouse. The menu is varied and appeals to groups of all tastes and ages, for leisure and for business. In warmer months the rooftop terrace adds another dimension. This is a great place for a group get-together. Advance reservations are essential. (

See also:

Ayo Kita Makan Dim Sum

Munculnya sebenarnya Dim Sum sebagai prestasi kuliner berasal di Cina selatan dengan Kanton. Di Cina, dim sum dapat disajikan pada awal enam pagi, dan banyak orang bangun sepagi ini menjadi yang pertama dalam antrean untuk mencoba lezat memperlakukan yang mereka tawarkan. restoran Dim sum biasanya dekat pertengahan sore dan tidak membuka kembali untuk makan malam, seperti tradisi bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Gaya restoran dim sum sangat unik karena bukan hanya satu pelayan mengambil pesanan kami, pelayan gerobak dorong banyak dengan berbagai item dim sum di restoran, dan Anda mengambil dan memilih dari gerobak.

Asin dan makanan ringan seperti mai shu gurih, pangsit setiap rasa dibayangkan, dan bao Siu cha yang ditawarkan. mai Shu (harfiah "memasak dan menjual kue") dapat menjadi vegetarian atau dibuat dengan daging, dan mereka dibungkus dengan bungkus gyoza dan dikukus. Pangsit datang dalam daging babi, udang, kepiting, dan rasa sayuran, dan seringkali dibuat dengan bungkus, tepung beras tebal pangsit atau pembungkus gandum tembus pati.

Pangsit pembungkus ini tembus sangat sulit untuk memasak tepat, tapi rasa mereka bersama-sama dengan pangsit mengisi cukup memuaskan. bao Cha Siu adalah roti dengan daging babi Siu cha, daging babi panggang manis dan asin dimasak ke dalamnya. Untuk dessert, Anda dapat menikmati kue tar custard telur, mengobati krim dan lezat, puding mangga, bola biji wijen, atau buns kacang merah paste. Sebuah hidangan penutup Cina sangat lezat adalah hua dou fu, yang merupakan tahu lembut disajikan dalam rasa manis sup jahe. Untuk hidangan, lebih berani yang disebut "Phoenix cakar" juga disajikan di restoran dim sum. Ini adalah di kaki ayam aktualitas. Mereka goreng, rebus, dan kadang-kadang diasinkan dengan saus kacang hitam. Mereka sangat lembut, dan banyak orang menikmatinya sekali mereka melupakan faktor kejutan awal dari kaki ayam.

Kelezatan ini Asia telah menyebar melintasi Atlantik dan Pasifik Kelautan dan sekarang tersedia di berbagai negara di seluruh dunia. Ini adalah jenis makanan yang sangat populer di Amerika, di mana Amerika bisa mendapatkan rasa lezat dan keanehan dari masakan Cina. Hanya ingat untuk mendapatkan ke restoran lebih awal, karena mereka mendapatkan cepat sibuk! (Charles mekar - gang artikel)

Lihat juga:
Burger King
Sour Sally

Delicacies of Sate Madura

Sate Madura Chicken Sate which generally is given a sauce of peanut sauce. But in Madura itself is sometimes used but is not a peanut sauce or chili sauce pecan. In addition, burning charcoal often Sate is often sprinkled with lime.

To reap more profit, dealers often mix the peanut sauce Sate with dry rice that has been refined. This dry rice, in Balinese called senggauk, a remnant of dried rice in the hot sun. In some areas of Java, such as the north coast, along the coast (north coast) covering the area Indramayu, Bradford, such rice called nasi aking. Commonly eaten by poor people who could not afford even the cheapest rice.

Sate Madura usually made of chicken. Known as the island of Madura in addition to salt, also known by his Sate. Sate madura already famous throughout the archipelago, Sate Madura can be found in almost all regions, especially in large cities such as Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. It is said that in itself Sate Madura hard to find. But in addition to chicken as a main ingredient Sate also exist that use goat marked with the legs hanging behind the goat in rombong the seller Sate. Marinade is a mixture of finely ground bean paste and a little red onion. Roast it with fire of coconut shells that are burned first so-called coconut shell charcoal. It was tasty but dipantangkan to those that people with high cholesterol and acute gout.

Sate Madura Chicken Sate which generally is given a sauce of peanut sauce. But in Madura itself is sometimes used but is not a peanut sauce or chili sauce pecan. In addition, burning charcoal often Sate is often sprinkled with lime.

To reap more profit, dealers often mix the peanut sauce Sate with dry rice that has been refined. This dry rice, in Balinese called senggauk, a remnant of dried rice in the hot sun. In some areas of Java, such as the north coast, along the coast (north coast) covering the area Indramayu, Bradford, such rice called nasi aking. Commonly eaten by poor people who could not afford even the cheapest rice. (

See also:
Dim Sum

Minggu, 14 November 2010

Chardonnay, the Wine

Chardonnay is the world's most popular White Wine grape, with over 300,000 acres planted, 100,000 in California alone. It’s homeland is the Burgundy region of France, where it produces sublime, complex table Wines (in Champagne and elsewhere it provides the base for many of the world’s best sparkling wines), but it also flourishes in California, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina and South Africa.

Chardonnay is a good-yielding variety that buds early in the season and also ripens relatively early, with its thin skin making it susceptible to rot from early rains. The best chardonnays come from cool climates like Burgundy or California’s Carneros District, but the variety also adapts well to warmer regions like Australia. Chardonnay ripens easily and produces medium-to-full-bodied wines with rich apple, citrus, and tropical fruit aromas and flavors. Although it can be vinified as a crisp, fruity quaffing wine, the best, most complex chardonnays, as in Burgundy, are fermented in small oak barrels and put through a secondary, malolactic fermentation, which imparts toasty, buttery characteristics to both the wine’s aroma and flavor.

Chardonnay is not an especially versatile food Wine and is best paired with simply prepared seafood and poultry dishes. (drinkwine)

See also :
Ice cream

Dim Sum = brunch

Dim Sum, salah satu makanan Cina yang paling populer, terdiri dari berbagai macam tak terhitung dari masakan yang dikukus, kue, dan barang lainnya, yang analog dengan hors d'oeuvres, dengan hidangan panas dan dingin disajikan di semua restoran Prancis.

Secara harfiah berarti "untuk menyentuh hati Anda", Dim Sum makanan yang terbaik dikenal untuk kualitas mereka yang kaya dan harga yang kompetitif, dan biasanya dinikmati oleh masyarakat sebagai brunch favorit mereka. Tradisi Cina Dim Sum diperkenalkan ke Negara-negara Barat di abad ke-19 oleh imigran Cina dari daerah Canton. Bahkan, itu adalah Dim Sum Cina yang diperkirakan telah mengilhami gagasan seluruh 'brunch', makan besar pagi pertengahan sering dikaitkan dengan minum teh.

Makanan yang biasanya disajikan sebagai bagian dari makan siang dim sum khas baik-digoreng atau dikukus. Makanan lezat goreng termasuk Wu Gok, semacam omset talas, dan lumpia mini dari varietas yang berbeda. Kadang-kadang, makan siang dim sum juga mungkin mencakup barang khusus bibir-memukul, seperti pangsit udang dibungkus rumput laut dan ditutup dengan sesendok kaviar salmon!

Makanan lezat dikukus menjabat sebagai bagian dari dim sum Cina termasuk berbagai macam makanan, mulai dari iga babi dikukus dan Char Siu Bao, dikukus roti dengan daging babi panggang, untuk Har Gau, pangsit udang yang sangat lezat dengan kulit tembus. Selain hidangan ini dikukus atau goreng, makan siang dim sum juga termasuk makanan penutup dan teh hijau. Untuk dessert, custard tart telur biasanya dilayani, tetapi jika Anda beruntung, Anda mungkin memiliki pilihan antara mangga dan puding almond.

Dim Sum masakan Cina biasanya bervariasi dari satu restoran yang lain. Masakan Cina lain yang sering dimasukkan dalam makan siang dim sum di beberapa restoran Cina termasuk gulungan daun bawang bunga, juga disebut vegetarian dan non-vegetarian 'Hua Juan', pot-stiker, bola biji wijen, udang roti bakar, Shu Mai, iga, lumpia Kanton, Taro kroket, dan dikukus kaki Ayam. Jadi, jika Anda benar-benar ingin mengalami rasa dari masakan tradisional Cina, kunjungi restoran Cina terdekat dan mencoba makan siang lezat Dim Sum. (Chinatownconnection)

Lihat juga:
Sour Sally

Maki + Sushi

Maki mengacu pada setiap jenis Sushi yang dibuat di roll dengan nasi Sushi, panggang rumput laut nori, dan berbagai tambalan. The Kata maki berarti "roll", dan kebanyakan orang yang sudah makan Sushi telah dikonsumsi maki dalam beberapa bentuk atau lainnya. Beberapa bentuk maki, seperti uramaki, sangat kompleks, yang memerlukan perhatian koki terampil. Lain seperti temaki sangat mudah untuk membuat, dan sering dimakan di rumah dan di pertemuan sosial.

Maki Sushi datang dalam beberapa varietas, tergantung seberapa tebal gulungan dan bagaimana gulungan dibangun. Bentuk yang paling umum adalah gulungan hosomaki, atau tipis. gulungan tipis dibuat dengan membuat strip kecil beras Sushi dan bahan satu atau dua sepanjang satu sisi dari selembar nori dan kemudian menggulung itu erat untuk membentuk roll ramping. Hosomaki dipotong-potong kecil sebelum disajikan, dan biasanya disajikan di atas piring dengan beberapa jenis lain Sushi untuk kontras. Jenis hosomaki umum meliputi gulungan mentimun, gulungan wortel, dan roti tuna.

Tebal maki disebut futomaki, yang berarti Futomaki biasanya dibuat dengan bahan beberapa "roll gemuk.", Dan dapat setengah inci sebanyak satu dan satu (empat cm) di diameter. Futomaki sering dibuat vegetarian, dan umumnya termasuk bahan seperti kecambah, telur goreng, dan lobak lobak. Biasanya futomaki dipotong sebelum disajikan, meskipun juga disajikan dalam bentuk gulungan keseluruhan di beberapa festival tradisional.

Uramaki adalah roll ke luar, yang berarti bahwa beras Sushi ada di luar. Uramaki dibuat oleh layering sepotong nori dengan nasi Sushi dan kemudian membalik itu ke garis tepi bawah sisi lain dengan bahan. Kemudian maki itu yang digulung, dan biasanya dicelupkan ke dalam hiasan seperti benih ikan roe atau wijen. Uramaki sebenarnya lebih umum di luar Jepang, dan termasuk Sushi terkenal seperti California dan roti Philadelphia. (WiseGeek)

Lihat juga:
Burger King

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Champagne from

'Champagne' produces world's most loved Wine - the 'champagne' of course! Most wines from this region are called as 'champagnes' by the European Union law. Let's get a bit deep into this beautiful region of France.

Champagne is a historic region of the northern administrative province of France. It is the best-known wine region around 160 kilometers from Paris, the capital of France. The Champagne administrative region is divided into five districts, namely - Vallée de la Marne, Montagne de Reims, Côte de Sézanne, Aube and Côte des Blancs, with Reims and Épernay being the main commercial segments of the region. All these regions, including around 14,000 grape growers in 300 villages, produce the world's finest, rich and sparkling white wine, which is France's greatest export.

This region has 3% of the total vine planted area. The credit of the smooth, light and fine wine goes to the texture of the soil as well. When the ocean structure changed about 70 million years back, it deposited the chalk subsoil behind it and after 60 million years, disastrous earthquakes rocked the region leaving the belemnite fossils and the marine sediments. All this resulted into the very fertile belemnite chalk terrain. This type of soil absorbs the day heat and releases it during the night. The soil also has a great drainage quality.

The Champagne region is near Paris, the capital of France. It has always been used as a crossroad for both, military as well as trade route. The ongoing military conflicts made huge impact on this region. At the time of the Hundred Years' War, the region was completely devastated. The village of Hautvillers was completely destroyed during the war of religion, that took place between the Catholics and Huguenots. Again the Thirty Years War and the Fronde Civil War caused huge loss to the vineyards because the whole region was stampeded by the military troops. This cycle of wars and devastation was on until the reign of Louise XIV, which finally brought peace to France and eventually the vineyards too.

Champagne's reputation prospered in the late middle ages, when several poets and writers made the wine of this region popular. At one point of time, many popes and royal authorities like, Pope Leo X, Charles V of Spain, Mary Queen of Scots, Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England also couldn't resist buying a tract of their own. After a few years, wine was being exported. The first recorded wine export happened in the year 1518, when Thomas Cardinal Wolsey, the chancellor of Henry VIII exported it from Champagne to England. The wines of this region, sold in Paris under two categories - vins de la montagne (wine of the wooden mountain) and vins de la rivière (wine of the Marne river), were very high in price. There was a trade rivalry between the Champagne and the Burgundy wines. This competition, in the 15th century, made the vineyard owners to cultivate the Pinot Noir, but it couldn't outdo the richness and quality of the Burgundy wine. After giving it much thought, they decided to concentrate on white wine only.

The foundation of a Champagne house was laid in the late 16th century, when a vineyard owner Gosset produced and exported still wine by his own name in the year 1584. This concept was new to the other farmers and soon after, producers like Ruinart, Moët et Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, etc. came in the market and became successful wine producers. The total wine production was around 300,000 bottles a year in 1800 but as the technology advanced, a revolution happened. By the 19th century, the total production had reached upto 20 million bottles a year.

In the early 19th century, the administration of Champagne decided its viticultural boundaries and the five districts were formed. With a total area of around 76,000 acres of about 300 villages, there are more than 15000 vineyard owners who sell grapes for wine and 5000 owners who produce wine. There are plans to expand this region to 360 villages. All the districts produce grapes of different types and quality. This enhances the quality of the various Champagne houses and help them to maintain their own taste and style. There are three main types of grapes cultivated in the Champagne region, namely - Pinot Noir (found in Aube, Montagne and Reims region), Chardonnay (Cote des Blancs region) and Pinot Meunier (Vallee de la Marne region).

In 1942, the CIVC (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne) was formed. Its main objective was to protect the equality and the reputation of the Champagne. It worked as a market force and later decided the rules and regulations for the vineyard owners. Only Champagne region has the permission to avoid AOC, term of origin (Appellation d’origine contrôlée) from the label of the wine bottle.

From ancient times Champagne was popular among the rich people around the world, as a celebration drink. Now it is seen in various sports championships and other celebratory occasions like royal weddings; average people also use it on very special occasions like weddings and birthdays. So the demand of champagne is increasing day by day. Though sparkling wine is totally manipulating the trade market of the Champagne region, the other types like - non-sparkling still wines (Bouzy and Coteaux Champenois), rosé (in the region Rosé des Riceys), 'vin de liqueur' called as Ratafia de Champagne are produced here. The Pomace, which is a bi-product of the Champagne, is also produced here but it technically can't compete with the standards of champagne.

Since white wine is in huge demand as it makes more profit, the vineyard owners seem to concentrate more on it. So, on your next visit to France, don't forget to reserve some days for this beautiful birthplace of your favorite champagne! (Rutuja Jathar - buzzle)

See also:
Dim Sum

Resep Soto Daging

Resep membuat Soto Daging
1. 250 gram daging sapi, dipotong dadu.
2. 3500 ml air.
3. 100 gram babat, direbus, dipotong dadu.
4. 100 gram usus, direbus, dipotong dadu.
5. 100 gram paru, direbus, dipotong dadu.
6. 3 batang serai, diambil putihnya, dimemarkan.
7. 3 lembar daun jeruk, dibuang tulangnnya.
8. 1 sdm garam.
9. 2 sdt gula pasir.
10. 2 batang daun bawang, dipotong 1 cm.
11. 3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis.
12. 2 sdm bawang merah goreng untuk taburan.

Bumbu Halus.
1. 8 siung bawang merah.
2. 4 siung bawang putih.
3. 4 cm kunyit dibakar.
4. 4 butir kemiri, disangrai.
5. 2 cm jahe.
6. 1 sdt merica butiran, disangrai.
7. 2 sdt ketumbar.

Cara Membuat:
1. Rebus daging dalam air sampai matang, saring kaldu nya, didihkan lagi. Masukkan daging, babat, usus dan paru, masak sampai mendidih.
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus, serai dan daun jeruk sampai harum, tuang ke rebusan daging.
3. Masukkan garam, gula pasir, masak sampai matang. Tambahkan daun bawang, aduk rata.
4. Sajikan dengan taburan bawang merah goreng. (nusa cooking)

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Sour Sally
Burger King

Kamis, 11 November 2010

Resep Steak Ayam dengan Saus Jamur

Resep Steak Ayam dengan Saus Jamur
4 buah ayam fillet
1 butir telu
Susu sedikit
Tepung terigu sedikit
100 gram tepung panir
Garam secukupnya
Merica secukupnya
Baubuk Paparika secukupnya

Bahan Saus:
1 buah Bawang Bombay
2 Sdm minyak
250 ml kaldu
1 lembar Bay Leaf
300 gram jamur
1 Sdm Peterseli
200 gram Kaldu Sapi
80 gram Whipping cream
2 Sdm Butter
Jinten sedikit
Babuk cabai secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
Merica secukupnya

Cara membuat:
1. Taburkan garam, merica, dan bubuk paparika di atas fillet ayam.
2. Gulingkan fillet di atas tepung terigu lalu celup dalam campuran telur dan susu.
3. Terakhir gulingkan di atas tepung panir yang telah dicampur sedikit garam.
4. Goreng dalam minyak panas atau panggang dalam oven hingga matang.

Untuk membuat saus jamur:
1. Tumis bawang bombay cincang hingga berwarna keemasan.
2. Masukkan kaldu dan bay leaf lalu masak dengan api kecil hingga bawang bombay empuk.
3. Tumis irisan jamur dengans dikit minyak lalu masukkan peterseli cincang.
4. Tambahkan garam dan merica lalu setelah 20 menit, keluarkan bay leaf.
5. Masukkan kaldu sapi, butter, whipping cream, jinten, bubuk cabai, garam dan merica.

Disajikan oleh Chef Wiehan, Gourmet House, Semarang.

( Wisanggeni / CN13  - suara merdeka)

Lihat juga :

Dim Sum Guide

Dim Sum restaurants in Hong Kong are busy, loud and move at a hundred miles an hour – that’s what makes them great – but the clamour and clatter can also be intimidating for first timers. This how to order Dim Sum guide will walk you through the rules and customs of ordering Dim Sum, from navigating the ordering process to where not to put your chopsticks.

1. Bring Friends
Dim Sum is essentially a group experience, with a selection of dishes being ordered and shared around the table. Many of the tables in Hong Kong Dim Sum restaurants will seat upwards of eight people, they even swivel for easy access to the grub, and sitting there by your lonesome can be a little intimidating.

2. Tackle the Maitre’d
Hong Kong is a pushy town and if you want to get a table, you’ll need to be as pushy as the locals. While some Dim Sum restaurants remain a free-for-all when it comes to seating, the majority employ a front of house maitre’d who is responsible for seating and queuing. Stick close to the maitre’d and look for people leaving to secure a table. Contrary to local folklore, it is possible to make a reservation at many Dim Sum restaurants.

3. Deciphering the Menu
Perhaps the most dreaded part of the Dim Sum experience, the menu at Hong Kong Dim Sum restaurants can be a challenge. The traditional cart that used be wheeled around carrying the Dim Sum selection has been retired in most restaurants, instead you need to tick what you want on the menu card provided. There is usually, but not always, an English language version. If there isn’t, your best bet is to tell the waiter the vegetables and meats you want to eat and he’ll do the rest. Look out for surprise Hong Kong foods like chicken feet.

4. More Tea Please
The jasmine tea you receive at the start of your meal is free. If you want more tea during your meal, just leave the top off the teapot and you’ll be topped up automatically.

5. Don’t Get Your Chopsticks in a Twist
Remember that only the communal chopsticks provided should be used for serving food or rice from the bowls to your plate. You should never use your own chopsticks to serve yourself from the communal bowls. (Rory Boland, Guide -

See also :
Ice cream